For all who want to learn how to play better Chu, see how the masters play. We are happy to present you current games from some of the strongest active western players in action. external link
Follow and analyse the moves in the games from Dave Harper, Edi Werner and Ron Tischler and you can learn the secrets of the game. The highlights are games of these players against each other. Look at the present position, and think about how you would move. Next day(s) you can compare your choices with the ones the player made. If this player follows your plan - congratulation. And if not same, look and analyse why not!
Another highlight is the clash of the very different styles from Ron and Edi in their game 247. Edi is a representant of the classic Chu style. And Ron plays his “Tischler” style.
What is “Tischler” style? In most/all games Ron castles his King at the left side. He puts left Bishop and Horse at the last row and walks with the Tigers in front of his King. And he wins his games with his great playing strength.
To see an example look at game 234 from Ron against guzzle. On first sight Ron’s moves might seem a little exotic – when pupils of mine play such moves I don’t like it :-)) - but when the first fight starts all figures are very well placed. His concept makes the exotic moves good. But Ron is to strong for most players to make a real test of his “Tischler” system in a game. So his game 247 against Edi is not only a contest between two real strong players but also a real test for the “Tischler” system. Enjoy it. A few years ago Edi lost a game against Dave - see under games/GCSA’s choise – is game 240 his revenge? But these days Edi plays very slow:-))
In my opinion, the games from Joe Petersen (jeep) against Dave Harper (Dave) (296) and Ron Tischler (Ron) (292) will also be lookable. Joe should be strong enough to make them interesting . Keep an eye on these players! Try to analyse their strategies, look for mistakes and patterns. We will try to answer those questions, when we present their games under GCSA’s-choice.